Academy news
Our students' victory in the IV International intellectual tournament - game "What? Where? When?"
In honor of the Year of the Family in Russia declared in 2024, GBPOU PO "Velikoluksky Medical College" of the Russian Federation sent an invitation...
V International Olympiad among students of medical universities - "Samarkand 2020"
On December 13-14, Samarkand State Medical University in Samarkand, Uzbekistan hosted the V International Olympiad among students of medical universities - "Samarkand 2020".
More than...
"Start discipline with yourself" hour of honesty on the topic
At the Department of General Education disciplines, according to the letter of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Combating Corruption...
«Approval and solidarity- are the key to success»
In accordance with the plan of educational work of the Department of General Education Disciplines, on December 18, a meeting was held with the Department...
A book exhibition entitled «Master of the Rhetoric»in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Berdibek Sopabayev
On December 13, 2024, in the coworking center of the library and information center of SMKA JSC, Kenzhebek A.E., a teacher of the "General Education"...
Advanced training course "modern approaches and triggers of the educational process"
From 9 to 14 December 2024, in accordance with the plan for improving pedagogical competence, a refresher course "modern approaches and triggers of the educational...
The event on the theme "Tauelsizdik-tugyrym"
Gaining independence is the result of many years of struggle. Kazakhstan, as part of the Soviet Union, being home to representatives of several nationalities, experienced...
A cross-departmental seminar on the topic "Problems of Vaccination Against Human Papillomavirus (HPV)"
On December 10, 2024, a cross-departmental seminar on the topic "Problems of Vaccination Against Human Papillomavirus (HPV)" was held at SKMA under the guidance of...
Information Day
From December 9 to 13. 2024 year a comprehensive event titled “Information Day” (a new book exhibition-review) was held in the reading hall of the...
“The beginning of independence – Zheltoksan” trip to the South Kazakhstan Regional Museum of History and Local Lore
On December 12, 2024, senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages A.S. Zhakipova, tutor A.E. Temirova, together with the mentoring group...
"Independence is the path of courage of my country"
On December 13, 2024, the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, organized by by the Department of General education disciplines, held an event dedicated to the Independence...
December 16 – Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On December 13, 2024, the Department of Medical Biophysics and Information Technologies held an educational session for foreign students of the groups MШАБ-11-24 and MШАБ-12-24...