Academy news

Participation in the XVI Congress of Cardiologists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of S.D. Asfendiyarov

We are proud to announce that the team of our medical academy took third place at the XVI Congress of Cardiologists of the Republic of...
11.06.2024, 9:25
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4th June – «Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan»

On June 4th , 2024 the Akimat of Shymkent city held a solemn meeting in the park «Тәуелсіздік» dedicated to the celebration of June 4...
06.06.2024, 9:25
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Charity event on the topic: «charity is one of the noble qualities of a person»

On June 4, 2024, the Department of Nursing-1 of the Medical College at JSC «SKMA», as well as with the participation of students of the...
06.06.2024, 9:25
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May 31 – Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression and Famine

On May 31, 2024, students and teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social Sciences visited the museum of victims of political repression....
05.06.2024, 9:25
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An inclusive marathon

On 06/01/2024, in honor of the «Children's Protection Day» holiday, an «inclusive marathon» was held in Shymkent on June 1. The event was organized to...
05.06.2024, 9:25
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Lessons from a scientific conference

On May 30, 2024, a republican scientific and practical conference “History and modern experience” was organized in the city of Kentau, Turkestan region, dedicated to...
03.06.2024, 9:25
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My flag is my pride

On May 29, 2024, on the occasion of the Day of State Symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a city-level event entitled “State Symbols: Great...
03.06.2024, 9:25
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Bribery is a disease, our task is to fight it

Senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Burkhan Eltai Zhunusbekovich organized an educational lesson with students of the FPT-02-22 group on the...
03.06.2024, 9:25
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Healthy life - bright future

E.J. Burkhan, senior lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities, promoted a healthy lifestyle at a training seminar, conducted explanatory work on the...
03.06.2024, 9:25
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«Gludomania – a disease of the 21st century: problems and solutions» with the aim of insuring students from social diseases

Orazimbetova Z.Sh., senior teacher of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Subjects. and Ertaev M.A. When organizing FOTKAB-01-22, an educational hour was organized on the...
03.06.2024, 9:25
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Field training practice in “Botany” on the base of Kaskasu

From May 27 to May 31, 2024, 1st year students of the educational program “Pharmacy” underwent field training in botany at the Kaskasu base. Pharmacy...
31.05.2024, 9:25
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78th International scientific and practical conference "Achievement of fundamental, applied medicine and pharmacy"

May 17-18, 2024 at the 78th International Scientific and Practical Conference of students and young scientists of medical universities in Samarkand State Medical University, Republic...
30.05.2024, 9:25
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