Academy news
Worldwide recognition - a pledge of hard work
We congratulate the head of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor Saule Ordabayeva Kutumovna on VICTORY and honorary title...
The visit of Musinov S.R., Director-General of RSE of EPR “National center for expertise of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment” of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of RK in SKSPhA
In March 27, 2015 Musinov S.R., Director-General of RSE of EPR “National center for expertise of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment” (NCEM) of the...
Our veterans - our wealth
On March 19, 2015 at 10:00 the Hygiene chair 1, physical cultures and valueologies, department of educational work, student's labor union and activists of Alliance...
Heroism of ancestors example of the younger generation
On March 18, 2015 at 11:00 deans of faculties, department of educational work, labor union and the youth center of Bolashak academy held a flower-laying...
«Ата салтым – алтын қазынам!»
The Nauryz Holiday - for all of the peoples of Central Asia is a symbol of spring renewal, the triumph of love, fertility and friendship. ...
Hi , Nauryz!
Holiday Nauryz is a holiday of the day of New year, which develops from the earliest times.According to the present calendars, and it comes during...
Тарих-ғасырлар куәсі
From March 16 to 20, 2015 in Library and Information Center of SKSPhA there was a book exhibition dedicated to the 550th anniversary of Kazakh...
Scientific and practical conference “Eurasian Economic Union: integration and cultural interaction”
In March 12, 2015 Kazakh and Latin languages Department of South - Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy organized and held scientific and practical conference “Eurasian Economic...
Congratulations to the team in toguzkumalak!!!
From March 11to 12in the program of city Olympics there were organized toguz kumalak competitions, our picked team won the III prize.
Baltash Aygerim ...
Congratulations to football players!!!
From March 16 to 17 in the program of city Olympics there were organized mini-football competitions, our picked team won the III prize.
Award "The Best Youth"
On March 13, 2015 at 15:00 in the big assembly hall of academy student's labor union, deans of faculties, department of educational work and students...
«Сыйынар ем ана деген тәңірге»
In March 7, 2015, students of the Department “Technology of pharmaceutical production” congratulated the staff of the Department “Medical Biophysics, Informatics and Mathematics” and held...