Videoconference on the communication platform “G-global” titled “Participation of employers in educational programs development”

On February 25, 2016 the educational center of South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy organized a videoconference on the communicative platform “G-global” on the theme “Participation of employers in educational programs development”.

To participate in the discussion there were invited the Departments of pharmaceutical sciences of Karaganda State Medical University, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Medical University of Astana. Participants identified the need for close cooperation between universities and employers in training of pharmaceutical personnel. There were discussed the prospects for pharmaceutical education development, current issues of staffing. Today both for pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to train specialists of new generation. A dual model of education, advanced courses for teaching staff at partner enterprises are realizing nowadays, specialists for pharmaceutical industry, working under GMP, GLP, GCP conditions are training at universities. The Departments actively cooperate with business companies, carrying out remote training, participate in competitions, grants and etc.

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The functioning of pharmaceutical cluster in South Kazakhstan and Karaganda region provides universities of these regions with effective cooperation with leading pharmaceutical companies.

Currently, the universities faced the problem of organizational and methodological tools that are necessary to put into practice for improving the efficiency of cooperation with employers; thus, it is important to improve the existing forms of cooperation between the university and employers, and also practical implementation of innovative approaches to cooperation.

We express our gratitude to all videoconference participants for their discussion of the mechanisms for raising employers’ interest to participate in the development of educational programs.

04.03.2016, 01:13