Revival of national values

On the eve of the Great Nauryz holiday this year, the National Kurultai began with the ancient Sarayshyk, located on the banks of the Zhaiyk, which has a geostrategic significance, which occupies a prominent place in our history and is a national fundamental historical monument, which became the basis for celebrating the unity of the country and public values, and was the place of headquarters of the famous khans and the place where the Kazakh khan, who determined the power and glory of the Kazakh land - Kasym Khan, found peace.
This year's National Kurultai clearly indicated that the ideology that ensures the growth of our state and the unity of our nation is based on the following values - Justice and responsibility, Law and order, Hard work and professional qualifications, Creativity and innovation, the values of the new social ethics. An honest person, honest work and honest income will become the main values of creating a fair society today. Forming among young people the values of independence and patriotism, which determine the new face of the nation in taking its place in the world, increases the responsibility of educational institutions in society at all levels, starting with the family. One of the pressing issues mentioned at the National Kurultai is the education of the younger generation in the spirit of historical integrity and historical truth, familiarizing the next generation with historical figures in one direction, taking into account the characteristics of each era and personality, not pitting historical figures against each other, but providing education and unity of the nation. “If you don’t see a friend in your neighbor, all your deeds are useless,” said the Head of State, referring to the words of the great Abai that the modern intelligentsia should be united and serve the country, correctly interpret the national values and history of the country, not divide the Kazakhs, but unite at the national level, viewed from the point of view of consensus. Genealogy is our cultural code, but this issue should not be confused with politics, and he gave an example of recent negative situations. He instructed to take into account the names of national figures in the field of onamastics.
Another issue that was central to the National Kurultai was the activities of the International Society “Kazakh Language” serving the growth and development of national unity and our state language. In order to encourage youth creativity and revitalize book reading, it was proposed to establish a “National Book Reading Day”. In addition, on the occasion of the 800th anniversary of Jochi’s birth, a collection of scientific and research works by Russian and domestic historians will be published, which will add to the content of our national history.
Events will be carried out to popularize our national pride - the Ustyurt plateau and the underground mosques built there, and efforts will also be made to include many ancient monuments on the UNESCO heritage list. Modernization and repair of historical and cultural monuments such as Kozybasy, Tamgaly Tas and other historical sites will be carried out.
These undertakings will teach future generations to cherish historical memory and treat it with respect and pride. Another pressing issue is the licensing of archaeological research, preserving the integrity of historical sites, preventing the looting of archaeological sites, their protection from a legal point of view, leading to the cessation of illegal archaeological work, preventing any people from destroying our historical and historical monuments. places without permission.
The topic of promoting national clothing was one of the most correct decisions in the current period, since in recent years we have become convinced of the need to explain to the younger generation the harmfulness of actions and customs that are alien to our people. dressing in black. At the same time, the importance of the correct formation of religious values was emphasized. Emphasis was placed on the importance of family values and the role of glorifying state symbols.
The illustrious names of the heroes of our country Sagadat Nurmagambetov, Baurzhan Momyshuly, Rakymzhan Koshkarbaev should be promoted, and the state award - the Order of Aibyn - should be replaced by the names of these heroes, which will inspire the younger generation and increase their sense of patriotism.
At the National Kurultai it was noted that the use of drugs harmful to the health of the nation, the uncontrolled use of nasvay, which causes cancer, will henceforth be suppressed and citizens will be held legally responsible for its distribution.
It was noted that the fight against gambling addiction, which is becoming a disease of society, is an urgent problem, that online games are poisoning the minds of young people, and it was emphasized that it is the responsibility of society, family and educational institutions to constantly combat it. It was noted that cases of cruelty in society have become more frequent - violence against doctors and beatings, therefore the task of creating a safe environment for young people and creating a legal culture is on the agenda.
We need to instill in young people such values as to prevent vandalism, desecration of monuments of our land, preservation of the purity of nature, and respect for historical and cultural monuments.
It is the duty of each of us as citizens to improve national consciousness and raise it to a new level by considering ways to prevent waste - economical use of light and water, as well as the natural resources of the country, stopping spiritual waste - endless disputes.

26.03.2024, 16:59