South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, organized under the leadership of the head of the department "general practitioner -2" Gulzhan Nurbekovna Dosybayeva and Maya Adilbekovna Taskinova, a qualified specialist of the department "healthy lifestyle" - another event of a large project was held at the Lyceum №7 named after K. Spataev on 02/08/2024, at the school of the private institution "Technical Lyceum" 09.02.2024, at the school of the private institution "ZIYATKER TURAN" on 02/14/2024, the event was held by 2 links of this school. The first was conducted with students in grades 9-10, the second with students in grades 6-7-8 of the lower grades at the request of the school administration. The course of the project began with explanatory work, contained open questions and answers with the audience,interesting practical work, questionnaires, games and refreshing moments, was conducted at a high level, which was useful and interesting.
Special thanks from the school for the large-scale activities were received:
Rector of UCMA Professor: Myrzabek Myrzashevich Rysbekov.
Dean of the Department of internship and employment of graduates of UCMA PhD: Kanatzhan Saukhanbekovich Kemelbekov and Head of the department "ZHTD-2" MD, Professor: Gulzhan Nurbekovna Dosybayeva, doctor of the department: Maya Adilbekovna Taskinova.As well as the headmasters of the school gave a high assessment and recognized the interns of the I-ZHTDK-04-23 SKMA group as the most motivational and presentable lecturers. During the event, the Crown med team made a great contribution to the implementation of the project at a high level with explanatory work -
Interns of group I-ZHTDK-04-23 :
Abdrazakhova M. E. Bakhtybai U. M. Zhasuzak G. N. Zhumabaev T. D. Kozhamberdi A. B. Turlybaev M. A.
Within the framework of the project, explanatory work was carried out to promote a healthy lifestyle, promote tobacco use among adolescents and the harmfulness of energy drinks to the human body, as well as to show interest in becoming a doctor among students.
The purpose of the project: Human health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the absence of diseases and physical defects.
A healthy lifestyle is a person's behavior and thinking that ensures the preservation and strengthening of his health; a system of personal habits that provides the necessary standard of living for a person to solve problems and solve personal problems and requests related to the performance of tasks; a system of life that ensures an adequate and optimal exchange of a person with the environment and thereby allows you to maintain health at a safe level.
The way of life is shaped by the society or group in which a person lives. Therefore, the formation of a healthy lifestyle is not a medical, but, above all, an educational task.The main purpose of the project was to carry out medical and educational activities related to the violation of a healthy lifestyle among adolescents.
Within the framework of the project, presentations, videos, motivational discussions, gifts among activists, and acronyms were presented to the taekwondo club in connection with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
As a result of the project:The students told about the changes that occurred in the body when using tobacco, electronic cigarettes, hookah, energy drinks, noted that they lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits.
The students expressed their personal opinion about the project, thanked them and asked them to come next time with such a project.