Academic Mobility in South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
In the framework of academic mobility from 20.11.2023 to 24.11.2023 senior lecturer of the department of "General Hygiene" Non-profit JSC "West - Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov" Zhyengalieva Aliya Nurashevna in the amount of 20 hours on the discipline of "Disaster Medicine" in accordance with the thematic plan conducted classroom and simulation classes for the speciality "Dental Technician" in JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy".
Auditorium and simulation classes were conducted at a high professional level with the use of innovative teaching technologies, elements of problem-based learning on such topics: "organization of first aid in the area of drowning, organisation of emergency medical aid to the population in emergencies, organization of emergency medical care to the population in emergency situations".
During the classroom training, feedback was established with the students to consolidate the acquired knowledge and actualisation of the formed knowledge. The students, who received comprehensive answers to their questions, expressed gratitude and positive feedback.
At the end of the visit the teachers expressed warm wishes and testified about further active cooperation of the universities within the framework of the programme of academic mobility of teachers and students.