About the results of the II International Online Olympiad for students of the educational program "Pharmacy" on the discipline "Management and Economics of Pharmacy"

On April 25, 2024, the II International Online Olympiad for students was held, organized by the School of Pharmacy on the basis of the NJSC “Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov”. From the department of organization and management of pharmaceutical business, 4th and 5th year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy took part in it: Bukaeva E.V., Rakhmanova D.M., Shaltayeva D.G., Kim D.A., Nezvanova E.I. The captain of the Profi-Farm team of JSC SKMA is Diana Shaltayeva. Team leaders: Shimirova Zh.K. – candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, acting Associate Professor of the Department of OUFD, Urazbaev S.A. – senior teacher. Member of the expert commission: Blinova O.V. - candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences , acting professor of the Department of OUFD. Teams from different countries took part in the international Olympiad - Uzbekistan, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan. The Olympiad consisted of three rounds, where students answered test tasks in the discipline “Management and Economics of Pharmacy” on the Google platform, solved situational problems in the discipline “Management and Economics of Pharmacy” on the Zoom platform, and demonstrated homework - a video clip on topic “The role of the pharmacist in the healthcare system.” Based on the results of three rounds, the Profi-Pharm team of SKMA JSC, out of 13 participating teams, took 2nd place.

26.04.2024, 17:41