Academy news
Dear teachers and students!
In SKSPhA from February 2 to 29, 2016 there was opened a test access to the database:
• Academic Search Complete and Buisness Source Complete...
Workshop of G.N. Abuova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, the Head of the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology
On January 26, 2016 at the Department of Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology there was held workshop with the candidates for master’s degree of the group...
Prepare the staff for the pharmaceutical industry
On 22 January, 2016 the Chairman of the Board of LP "SK-pharmacy" together with the academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences of national economy...
"Plan for the nation – the path to the Kazakh dream"
On 5 February, 2016 South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy in Shymkent organizes the round table on the theme "Plan for the nation – the path...
The unity of faculty is high professional level
From January 14 to 15, 2016 traditional XXXII Olympics among faculty of SKSPhA was held. Participants and supporters of Olympics sang the anthem of the...
“The spreading problems of destructive currents and prevention of extremism”
On January 19, 2016 at the Academy Hall the department of youth policy organized an extended meeting on the topic “The spreading problems of destructive...
The round table under the name «Professional and effective government»
On January 15, 2016 under the leadership of the Department of «History of Kazakhstan and social sciences» the round table devoted to the Independence Day...
“Model of nursing specialists’ training in Finland”
On December, 2015 A.A. Seydakhmetova, the Head of the Department of Nursing with the course of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Ph.D., Associate Professor and N.R....
The project “Two celebrities”
On December 30, 2015 at the аcademy hall there was held the event “Two celebrities ”organized by Youth Policy Sector. The festive event was opened...
We are against extremism and terrorism!
On December 25, 2015 under the organization of the Department of Nursing with the course of anesthesiology and critical care medicine with student participation of...
Traditional XXXII sports festival among SKSPhA faculty
Dear colleagues, we invite you to take part in annual sports festival which will be held on January 14-15, 2016 in the gym of...