Academy news
Kazakhstan without violence
On November 28, 2017 teaching staff of the Department of Medical Biophysics and Information Technology organized a meeting of SKSPhA students with representatives of law...
The opening of the Primary health care -2 Department with obstetrics and gynecology course
On November 30, 2017 in South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy in honor of opening of the department in Medical Center «Ay- Nury» the event was...
The competition “BRAINSTORMING”.
Concept of education in Kazakhstan is directed to the creation of universal, creative personality. In the Address of President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev «Strategy Kazakhstan-2050»...
II Republican debate tournament between Trade Unions Federations of the Republic of Kazakhstan
From November 29 to 30, 2017 in the city of Aktau the II Republican debate tournament for the cup of the trade unions Federation of...
Traditions and innovations in the personnel training in a medical school
That was a topic of an inter-university educational and methodological conference with international participation dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Bashkir State Medical University (BSMU)....
“Country’s revival comes from the national-spiritual origin” contest.
On November 28, 2017 at the Faculty of Technical and Professional Education, among the specialties “General medicine”, “Nursing”, “Pharmacy” and “Dentistry” there was held a...
XIV World Armrestling Cup.
On 18-19 November, 2017 Rumia city, Poland hosted the World Armrestling Cup among professionals «Zloty Tur World Cup-2017», which gathered the strongest athletes from 50...
SKSPhA representatives on Kazakhstan-Shymkent TV channel
SKSPhA's interview about pharmacology and MSHI issues on "Densualyk" program of Kazakhstan-Shymkent TV channel
The best students of the country became scholars of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On November 22, 2017 in Almaty the annual republican competition for student scholarships of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
Workshop for practical health care
During June and October, 2017, on the instructions of the MOH jointly with the regional Department of health of SKR on the basis of the...
“Youth Science” fair
On November 17, 2017 there was held a fair of student scientific clubs “Youth Science”, organized by the scientific and clinical department and the Student...
How are you, studen?
The department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry jointly with trade union organization conducted an event «How are you, studen?», dedicated to the students’ day on...