The department of organization and management of pharmaceutical business Iteraktivny method of training
On chair of the organization and management of pharmaceutical business there was tradition a carrying out weekly methodical councils for training in pedagogical skill of young teachers. Carrying out open occupations with use of interactive methods of training of the organization and management of pharmaceutical business is result of these obucheniye.
To your attention open occupation of the teacher of OUFD chair is offered, to Abuova A.S., in the subject "Medical and Pharmaceutical Merchandizing", with application of an interactive method of training work in small groups ("SBL" – small team based learning) in 301 A group on subjects:
1. Тopic: «Special and medical instruments for using in neurosurgery, ophthalmology, oto rhinolaryngology, urology and gynecology» (03.03.2015 ж).
2. Тopic: «Apparatus and devices for diagnostic, endoscopy and nondestructive testing» (24.03.2015).
3. Тopic: «Equipment and instruments for using in traumatology and orthopedics» (14.04.2015).
On open occupation there was a chief of the Center of strategic planning, quality management system and development of personnel resources cand. of pharm. sciences ass. рrof. Torlanova B. O. and chief of the Educational and methodical center cand. of pharm. sciences Ibragimovа A.G.