The decade, dedicated to the national day of giving up alcohol consumption “Stop the advertising of alcoholic drinks!”
From October 19 to October, 28, 2015 curator meetings dedicated to October, 28 which is the national day of giving up alcohol consumption under the slogan: “Stop the advertising of alcoholic drinks!” were held. The event was organized under the leadership of Youth Health Center of SKSPhA and it was held at the following departments: “Therapy Bachelor’s program”, “Therapeutic disciplines”, “Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology”, “Primary medical and sanitary aid with a course of Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Nursing with the course of Anesthesiology and Critical care medicine”, “Public Health – 1”, “Public Health – 2”. The goal of these curator meetings was rising public awareness about the negative effects of alcohol on the organism, health-keeping skills of population; formation of responsibility for the health, especially of children, adolescents and youth in order to prevent alcohol over-use and promote a healthy lifestyle.
The Department “Public Health -2”
Alcohol is a causal factor of more than 200 violations of health-related illnesses and injuries.
The Department “Public Health- 2”
The Department “Therapy Bachelor’s program”
According to World Health Organization, harmful use of alcohol is the result of 3, 3 million deaths every year all over the world.
During the event students showed high activity and they were interested in this problem. On the curator meetings students were given the opportunity to ask questions. Among the majority of questions the teachers have noted that the most frequently asked questions among the students were questions about alcoholic cirrhosis development and specific causes of lethal outcome in chronic alcoholism.
The Department “Infectious diseases and Dermatovenerology”
During the discussion students came to the conclusion that prohibition of advertising was one of the mechanisms to prevent incorrect and irresponsible methods of advertising and marketing influencing on psychology of children and young people that could result in negative consequences.