Student-centered learning

On  October 5, 2017 in Astana, associate professor of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Department A.D. Assilbekova was trained at an international seminar on topic “Student-centered learning, teaching and assessment: principles and technologies”. At the seminar, there were listened to materials on the basic concepts and principles of student-centered learning (SCL), peculiarities of SCL introduction in the educational process of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, assessment of the implementation of student-centeredness in the accreditation process.

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The seminar was attended by following international experts: Professor Erik Froment - ex-rector of the University of Lyon, member of the organizing committee of the European forums for quality assurance in education (France), Lukas Bischof - European expert in higher education (Germany), associate professors of Nazarbayev University and representatives of Almaty University Management. Participants exchanged individual experience in conducting classes in the context of the introduction of student-centered learning, conducted a comparison characteristic of traditional and student-centered learning in the educational process.

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Interactive discussions and debates were held with pieces of practical lesson, where methods and techniques that contribute to the professional growth of the student and his adaptation to the constantly changing conditions of the modern environment of life were discussed.

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12.10.2017, 21:59