Seminar the topic ‘Features of the course and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women’

On December 27, 2023, a seminar was held at City Hospital No. 2 of Shymkent on the topic: “Features of the course and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women”
The organizers of the event are the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology, together with City Hospital No. 2, Department of Pulmonology and Allergology.
The following doctors were invited to the seminar: therapists, primary care physicians, pulmonologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, pediatricians, pulmonology residents and radiologists.
The features of the course of community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment were considered.
At the same time, the seminar also discussed the topics of methods for visual diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women.
The moderator of the seminar was the head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, acting associate professor Kasaeva L.T.
The following reports were presented from the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology:
• Acting associate professor of the department Sergazina A.O. “Community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women” lit. review.
• Assistant of the department Baydildaeva G.M. “Community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women” Clinical case. Clinical protocols.
• Assistant of the department Seytova A. A. “Radiation diagnostics of community-acquired pneumonia in pregnant women.”
The seminar participants actively participated in discussions on the stated issues and discussed pressing issues, which will undoubtedly bring practical benefits to the participants and resident doctors in their future work.

28.12.2023, 10:03