"Our Kazakhstan"
On November 1, 2015 in the military unit №6506 of Shymkent city teachіng staff of the department of Kazakhstan history and social sciences organized an event called "Our Kazakhstan" in order to promote healthy lifestyle. Participants: 104 FK, 103MPD and also students of faculty. Organizers: G. S. Aidarbekova, G. S. Shoinbeg, Sh. R. Abdramanova, G. S. Nurmahanova. The purpose: To give information about healthy lifestyle by educating the youth, also to awake the patriotic feeling among the youth. The problems that occur in society were also mentioned; especially the use of drugs, alcohol and smoking which became popular day by day among young people.
The first speaker was the head of the military unit of educational work, major A.A.Akhmedzhanova. Then the concert program began. The concert program was ended with the awarding all organizers the congratulatory certificates and major A. Akhmedzhanova and the soldiers of the military unit expressed their gratitude to the organizers.