“Knowing many languages means to have a lot of keys to one lock”
Among all modern technologies and ways of teaching, different methods and approaches, there is one universal technology, a universal means of training and education, that is a language.
In this regard, Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages Department organized an intellectual competition for the best knowledge of Russian language “Leader of SKSPhA-2015”.
The organizers prepared a fascinating material, the tasks, work types and forms were carefully chosen; a good knowledge of language, activity, ability to assess facts and search were shown due to these tasks. Explaining an educative impact of competition it is necessary to mention a good organization, dynamic and efficiency of participants themselves. Erudition, intellectual baggage, personal culture of students and organizers of this event had a positive impact: it was active, interesting and modern.
It is more important to have a free curiosity than a terrible necessity for language learning. The competition helped to identify intellectual potential of students, to attract students to educational activities, to open creative and intellectual abilities of every participant.
Informative material was selected in such a way that students could demonstrate their knowledge, think logically, be smart and bright.
Each of five rounds of the competition was filled with fun activities focused on showing a maximum of students’ talents. Each stage was logically consistent and defined by goals and objectives.
At the first stage of the competition there was held “Quiz” (questions to check Russian language knowledge). The second stage was called “Syntax chain”. According to a particular box there was shown a word. With these words it was necessary to make up a phrase, a sentence and a mini-text; the third stage was called “Living word” focused on language development; the fourth stage – “Video questions” (questions on medicine): a student chooses a box with a certain video question and gives his answer to this question. “Final round” - questions to the finalists on grammar.
Results of each round were evaluated by a competent jury. The evaluation criteria were: knowing the norms of Russian literary language, spelling and punctuation literacy, language skills, vocabulary, grammar speech, consistency, accuracy, expressiveness of idea presentation, understanding the connection of Russian language with history, culture of people and medical professions. Three finalists were awarded diplomas and other participants received certificates and gifts.
Students shared their opinions and noted that seeking and winning is not so easy but interesting. In conclusion it is necessary to quote an academician D.S. Likhacheyov: “A language is not only the best culture characteristic but the best human’s educator”.