«Job Fair»

In South- kazakhstan state pharmaceuftical academy april 15, 2015 in the auditorium together with the health departments of the southern region was held «Job fair» for medical interns and graduates of undergraduate.
The event was attended by a representative of the department of science and human resources Sultanova Z.B., director of the association of medical and pharmaceutical organizations Alzhanova H.D., head of control of labor relations state labor inspector Mamadaliev A.U., representative of the department of health Zhambul region head of primary health care Zhualinskoy sanitary district hospital Koshenov B.SH., representative of the department of health Kyzylorda region chief physician of the hospital Zhanakorgan Yskakov S.E., head of coordination of employment and social programs Beisebaeva S.N., 129 representatives of city and district medical and pharmaceutical organizations and institution.
As result of activities of the total number of graduates of release 588, 254 employed graduate 39 of them in the field internship 215 undergraduate majors.
20.04.2015, 05:41