International cooperation in deed


         Students’ internship of pharmaceutical faculty on the basis of the First Moscow State Medical University named after Sechenov (Russia) has been completed. It was held in the framework of inter-university cooperation agreements and in accordance with the conditions prescribed in the joint work program for the 2014-2015 academic year.

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         In accordance with the practice program, students got acquainted with the normative documents of quality control of medicines, including projects of common pharmacopoeia articles of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation (XIII edition), which is scheduled to be published in 2016.

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         Students gained professional competence in pharmacopeia analysis of drug substances and dosage forms. We conducted a comparative analysis of the chemical and physic-chemical methods of quantitative analysis by the validation of analytical methods (titrimetry, spectrophotometry, refractometry).

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         We also carried out tests of pharmaceutical bioequivalence of generic drugs compared to original drugs test for "dissolution", followed by analysis of the samples by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

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         Students took part in the international exhibition "Analytics Expo 2015", under which heard presentations and workshops on the super-modern instrumental techniques: atomic absorption spectrophotometry, FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopic methods, liquid and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and others.

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         The lectures and workshops organized by highly qualified specialists of the International Forum "Agilent technologies" were very interesting.There were presented results of research on pharmaceutical bioequivalence of drugs, the use of supercritical HPLC.

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         The cultural program was interesting as well. Students attended a performance at the famous Moscow theatre stage, International competition named after N. Petrov, in which appeared world-renowned virtuoso pianist D. Kramer at the Higher School of Music in the Conservatory named after P.Tchaikovsky. We were at the opening of the season of divorce guard the presidential regiment at the Kremlin court. We visited the Museum of Fine Arts named after А. Pushkin, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Russian Historical Museum, Red Square, Museum of Cosmonautics, etc.

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         The participation of students in the election of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Russia was significant, thereby expressing their patriotism and citizenship.

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         The students expressed their sincere gratitude to the organizers of practice - the staff of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, headed by head of the department, the owner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, doctor of pharmacy, professor G.V. Ramenskaya.

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         Students also expressed feelings of gratitude and appreciation to the administration of our Academy for the opportunity to do an internship in one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

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16.05.2015, 03:57