Independence is my support!
In honour of 24-anniversary of Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan with the purpose of showing to the young generation how we achieved independence, waking patriotism and love to their Motherland with the organization of the head of "Hygiene-2" department S.U.Yeskerova an event under the name "Independence my support" was conducted on November 26,2015.
The deputy dean of medical faculty G.E.Tolebayeva opened the festival and congratulated all teachers and students with such momentous holiday.
The students of SKPhA demonstrated activity and contributed to the festive program, read the verses of own composition, also works of national poets.
In solemn event, stagings were shown where facts of Kazakh people history appeared the stage « Kairat Ryskulbekov's last words during investigation» left the good impression and delighted audience.
Students sang songs devoted to Motherland and patriotism, and also danced to the folk music. Student of specialty "Public health " M.Kasymov sang such the songs a "Кok tudyn zhelbiregeni" and "Оtan Ana".
At the end of event the head of "Hygiene-2" department S.U.Yeskerova thanked all coming guests and students, who showed the activity in this event.
The next word was handed in the head, of department on educator work G.D.Orazymbetova and senior teacher of Hygiene-1 department M.A. Таizhanova M.A who expressed their gratitude for high level of organization of event.
Nowadays our country experiences lucky days.As the saying goes there "There is no earth better place than Motherland, there are no people better than in Motherland", the names of all heroes, who fought for our motherland will forever remain in our hearts.We have endured a lot to attain independence, and now we must work tirelessly in order to save our motherland, freedom, to improve an economy,social position of people and for prosperity of country.
We congratulate everybody with the Independence day of Republic of Kazakhstan ! Let the peace and rest always reign in our country!