«Bases of rational feed»

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On  March 15, 2016 on purpose to give information  to students about effective  organization of feed, about the food and biological value of food products during organization the head of department  "Hygiene-2" S.U.YeskerovaIt was conducted special olympiad  under the name "Bases of rational feed".  Olympiad was conducted by the students of  IV course of specialty «Public health» J.Isakulov and N.Zadybek. Judges were:

B.Z.Doltaeva  – the head of medical faculty

B.О.Аshirov deputy the head of medical faculty

G:Е.Тоlebaeva – deputy the head of medical faculty

S.U Yeskerovathe head of department  "Hygiene-2"

L.D.Zholymbetova the head of department  «Normal and pathological physiology»

L.О.Baikonsova – employee  of  branch in South Kazakhstan Academy of National Feed

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On the olympiad commands "Hygeya" and "Prophylaxis"  were participated organized from the 4-year students of specialties "Public health " and "Medical and preventive care". Olympiad was consisted from  from 5 turns:



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On contest results a command "Hygeya" won with most amount of points. Judge B.О.Ashirov handed certificates to all  participating  students. And also, a winning command was rewarded by a diploma and  valuable prizes.

28.03.2016, 04:33