A new level of cooperation with partner universities


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A group of students from the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov and Bashkir State Medical University came to the Academy for the first time to undergo practical training“Quality control and certification of medical products” on the basis of educational and scientific laboratory of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry.


563 3Students are familiarized with organization departments, specialized departments of Pharmacy Faculty and noted the high level of equipment with modern devices and the presence of all conditions for implementation of educational and scientific activities.

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Today, under the guidance of experienced teachers of the Department,trainees perform physical, chemical and physical-chemical analysis of drugs in accordance with the requirements of State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Pharmacopoeia XII of the Russian Federation, the European Pharmacopoeia.

Practical training is under way, will inform the users of the Academy website about the results….

25.05.2015, 23:17